Visit to Fiji, February 2014
Honourable Murray McCully (right), Minister of Foreign Affairs for New Zealand and Chair of the Ministerial Contact Group (MCG) answers questions during the press conference following the delivery of the MCG Communique. He is backed by Minister Bishop and Honourable Taukelina Finikaso (left), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labour of Tuvalu. Photo: DFAT
Minister Bishop with fellow Ministerial Contact Group (MCG) member, Honourable Tuisugaletaua Ali’imalemanu Sofara Aveau, Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Samoa, during a break between meetings with political parties and civil society groups at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva on Saturday 15 February. Photo: DFAT
Ministerial Contact Group (MCG) Chair, Honourable Murray McCully, Minister of Foreign Affairs for New Zealand, facilitates contributions to the MCG Communique following the conclusion of the two-day MCG observer visit. The Communique drafting took place at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva on Saturday 15 February. Photo: DFAT
Minister Bishop shares a light moment with fellow Ministerial Contact Group (MCG) member, Honourable Tuisugaletaua Ali’imalemanu Sofara Aveau, Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Samoa, during a break between meetings with political parties and civil society groups at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva on Saturday 15 February. Photo: DFAT