Doorstop interview

  • Transcript, E&OE

JOURNALIST: What'syour reaction to Donald Trump's position on Jerusalem?

JULIE BISHOP: The Australian Government is committed to a two-statesolution whereby the Israeli people and the Palestinian people can live inpeace side-by-side within internationally recognised boundaries and thatremains our foreign policy objective in relation to the issues in Israel withthe Israeli State and the Palestinian authority. We will not be taking steps tomove our Embassy. It will continue to offer diplomatic representation in TelAviv.

JOURNALIST: Palestinians have said that this is adeclaration of war. Are you worried about tensions rising?

JULIE BISHOP: I'm concerned by any unilateral action by either sidewhich could add to tension. However the Australian Government remains committedand optimistic that the way to achieve enduring peace between the Israelis andthe Palestinians is a negotiated two-state solution.

JOURNALIST: Do you think any damage between the US and MiddleEastern leaders could affect Australia?

JULIE BISHOP: Australia's position has been clear and consistent. Wesupport a two-state solution and we believe that a negotiated peace is the onlyway to ensure an enduring peace.

JOURNALIST: Ms Bishop, are relations with China at somewhat of alow point given so much discussion of influence and infiltration of Chinawithin Australia in the past couple of days?

JULIE BISHOP: The Australian Government enjoys a very close andComprehensive Strategic Partnership with China. We work together on manyissues. I know the Chinese Government is deeply concerned by the revelationsaround Senator Sam Dastyari and I'm not surprised they would be concerned bythe very bad publicity that Senator Sam Dastyari's actions have given to hisrelationship with China. I think he's debased himself and the Labor Party and nobodyrespects him or the Labor Party for his actions. He's been taking money from aforeign benefactor, he's been changing Labor Party foreign policy as a result.He's even gone so far as to put at risk our national security. Senator Dastyarihas compromised his position as a Senator, he is utterly compromised, hisposition is untenable – he should resign.

JOURNALIST: The Embassy released an extremely strong statementyesterday categorically rejecting allegations of influence and infiltration inAustralia. Do you accept them at their word?

JULIE BISHOP: I note what the Chinese Embassy said and I welcometheir commitment to ensuring that there will not be any illegal interference inAustralia's political affairs, but the actions of Senator Sam Dastyari are separatefrom this. What he has done is seek to actively undermine what he believed tobe an Australian intelligence operation and in doing so he's utterlycompromised – he must go.

JOURNALIST: Was the Government negotiating with the crossbenchover the citizenship stuff last night and did you make any headway?

JULIE BISHOP: Let's be very clear about what's happened here. BillShorten is stating that there are two standards – one for the Coalition and onefor the Labor Party – that is not acceptable. We have referred Members whobelieved that they were not eligible to sit in the House of Representatives andin the Senate by virtue of Section 44 of the Constitution. Yet all this timeBill Shorten has been protecting those Members of his Party who he knows – andthey have admitted themselves – are dual citizens at the time of close ofnominations. He can't apply one standard to the Coalition and another to LaborMembers. There are already a number of Labor Members who by their own admissionare not eligible to sit in the House and they should be referred to the HighCourt.

JOURNALIST: So do you think the Government will have the numbersto refer those other three MPs?

JULIE BISHOP: This is obviously a matter for negotiation but theseMembers have by their own admission said that they're dual citizens. Theyshould be referred, they should self-refer as Deputy Prime Minister BarnabyJoyce did.

JOURNALIST: So negotiations are still ongoing with the crossbenchthen?

JULIE BISHOP: Well I'm here at a World AIDS Day breakfast – I'm nottaking part in negotiations.

JOURNALIST: When do you expect the same sex marriage bill to passand do you think it'll go through unamended?

JULIE BISHOP: I'm hoping that it will pass today. The Australianpeople were very strong in their support that there be a change to the MarriageAct to enable same sex couples to marry. The postal survey had a very highparticipation rate and a very strong majority view so the Australian Parliamenthas a responsibility to pass this legislation as soon as possible and I'mhoping that it will pass today.

JOURNALIST: Just on the issue ofcitizenship, if Labor MPs don't self-refer as you suggest, will the Governmentseek to refer them?

JULIE BISHOP: Let's see how this matter unfolds. Bill Shortendemanded that Barnaby Joyce be referred to the High Court. He set a very highstandard and the Coalition met that standard. We had Barnaby Joyce face aby-election, John Alexander who was concerned about his eligibility resignedand is facing a by-election. The Coalition has done the right thing. BillShorten has been hiding Members whom he knows are not eligible to sit in theHouse yet he's refused to refer them. I think the Australian people can seethrough Bill Shorten. He's been dishonest in relation to this matter, he hasmisled the Australian people, he's misled the media time and time again bysaying that there were no problems with his Members and that his vettingprocess was rolled gold. All the while he was hiding the fact that Members ofhis Party are not eligible to sit in the House of Representatives. He should dothe right thing and refer them as the Coalition has done. There are not twostandards here, not one for the Labor Party one for the Coalition. They must dothe right thing and refer those Members who are not eligible to sit in theHouse of Representatives, by their own admission, to the High Court.

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