Doorstop - Sydney

  • Transcript, E&OE

JOURNALIST: What is your reaction to what has happenedovernight with Donald Trump?

JULIE BISHOP: Inrelation to the trade issue with China, this is clearly a bilateral matterbetween the United States and China, however Australia will continue toadvocate for free and open trade and investment. We believe that any trade disputes should beresolved amicably and if they cannot be resolved bilaterally then the partiesshould resort to the existing rules – that is through the World TradeOrganisation.

JOURNALIST: This sort of tit-for-tat behaviour, though,do you find it concerning?

JULIE BISHOP: Yes it is of concern and Australia willcontinue to advocate for free and open trade and investment, because that is ofgreat benefit to our country. Free trade has benefitted the world. It is aposition that we have made very clearly to our American friends and we willcontinue to promote free and open trade and investment.

JOURNALIST: Just lastly, what are you hoping to achieveat today's Federal Council? What do you think will be a good outcome for theparty?

JULIE BISHOP: A good outcome is always when we have arobust debate about a whole range of policy issues and people respect eachother's views but we do canvass all of the challenges and opportunities thatAustralia faces. The Liberal Party is a policy powerhouse, we are the party ofideas, and this is the opportunity for us to debate those ideas.

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