Visit to Indonesia for Bali Democracy Forum
On 6 December 2018 I will attend the 11thBali Democracy Forum, to be hosted by my Indonesian counterpart ForeignMinister Retno Marsudi.
The Bali Democracy Forum is an important opportunityto protect and promote the benefits of democracy with a wide range of nations.
Indonesia is the world's third largest democracy.Australia welcomes Indonesia's international leadership in advocating theprinciples of democracy, and highlighting the importance of democracy as a partof the strategic agenda of our region.
I look forward to addressing the forum andparticipating in discussions on the linkages between transparent, inclusive androbust democratic institutions and economic prosperity. Strong democraciesdrive strong economies.
Indonesia is a nation of first-order importance toAustralia. Our two countries have many shared interests, including to promotethe values of pluralism, free speech and equal rights.