Australian support to fight epidemics
Today I announce further Australian funding to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for vital vaccine development to fight infectious disease epidemics.
CEPI – a global alliance between governments, industry, academia, philanthropy and civil society – develops vaccines against known epidemic threats and new technologies that can be used to combat unknown pathogens that may pose a future threat.
Australia recognises the importance of supporting world-leading medical research. Our new contribution of $4.5 million to CEPI is part of the Government's $300 million Health Security Initiative for the Indo-Pacific which is aimed at strengthening disease prevention, detection and response capacity in our region.
This builds on a previous contribution of $2 million to CEPI by the Australian Government's Medical Research Future Fund in 2017.
Australian research institutions play a critical part in the fight against infectious disease epidemics. For example, CEPI has awarded the University of Queensland a prestigious grant to develop new technologies to rapidly produce more effective vaccines.
Australia is committed to our region's health security. Further information about Australia's Health Security Initiative for the Indo-Pacific can be found at: