Visit to Australia by UK Foreign Secretary, the Rt Hon. Dominic Raab

  • Media release

The UK Foreign Secretary, the Rt Hon. Dominic Raab, MP, will visit Australia on Thursday and Friday.

It is Mr Raab’s first overseas trip since the UK left the European Union on Saturday, in a clear demonstration of the strength of the enduring partnership between our two countries.

With the UK’s exit from the EU, we enter a new era of strategic and economic cooperation. There is much to discuss, and to look forward to, in deepening our relationship, not least a comprehensive and ambitious free trade agreement.

Together, Australia and the UK will continue to protect and promote the rules-based international order, in the face of an increasingly complex strategic environment.

We will find new opportunities for enhanced engagement with the UK in the Indo-Pacific, including on infrastructure, development, security and promoting human rights and the rule of law.

We will strengthen our cooperation in the Pacific, harnessing the growth of both our diplomatic footprints in the region. Despite our geographic distance, we have clear strategic interests in common, including a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific.

Australia is ready to launch negotiations on a high-quality UK FTA as soon as the UK is in a position to do so. We want to pursue an agreement that creates new commercial opportunities for Australian exporters and further deepens investment ties with our fourth-largest source of foreign direct investment.

Australia is grateful for the support and solidarity the UK has shown us during our ongoing bushfire crisis. A UK team was in Australia in January to look at how best to assist with our recovery and how we might cooperate on managing future fire seasons.

Such help, readily offered between close friends, epitomises the enduring partnership between our two nations.

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