Australiacondemns the cyber operations attributed to Russia against the Organisation forthe Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and against Malaysian locationsparticipating in the Flight MH-17 investigation as revealed by Dutch and UKauthorities overnight.
Suchactions by Russia, an OPCW Member State and a Permanent Member of the UNSecurity Council, undermine global integrity and trust in the arms control andverification framework, which plays a critical role in promoting and assuringthe global prohibition against any use of chemical weapons.
Likewise,any actions intended to compromise or undermine the integrity of the JointInvestigation Team's authorised and legitimate investigation into the destructionof Flight MH-17, which resulted in the death of all aboard the flight, areunacceptable.
Theseattributions raise questions about Russia's credibility in wanting to genuinelyresolve the issues surrounding what happened to Flight MH-17.
Australiajoins other nations in calling on Russia to strongly affirm its commitment toacting as a reliable party to the investigation and subsequent resolution ofthe matter.
Theevents of the last 48 hours demonstrate the resolve of the internationalcommunity – including Australia – to uphold the international rules-based orderin the online world, just as we do elsewhere.