Further Australian support following the Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami

  • Media release

Australia is providing additionalsupport to Indonesia in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunamiwhich struck Sulawesi on 28 September.

Assessments are still ongoing, with over1,500 people confirmed dead and 65,000 homes damaged and destroyed.

Australia will provide a further $4.5million to assist those affected by this disaster, bringing our totalassistance to the relief effort to $10.25 million.

This support will provide additionalhumanitarian supplies, health and logistical assistance responding to immediateneeds and assisting with recovery efforts.

This builds on support already providedby Australia through the Indonesian Red Cross and Australian NGOs, which isassisting over 80,000 people with access to shelter, sanitation and cleanwater.

The Australian Defence Force continuesto support the Indonesian Government in their response efforts, including byproviding vital airlift capacity for moving humanitarian supplies.

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