Statement to Climate and Clean Energy Coalition

  • Speech, check against delivery

Climate change is a global and multifaceted challenge.

The value of this coalition is that it drives action through practical projects and directly achieves real cuts in emissions.

Reducing carbon emissions is crucial and it is vital to address short lived environment pollutants.

Acting to reduce emissions of methane, HFCs and other short-lived climate or environment or atmospheric pollutants however so described, is critical if we are to aim to keep the global temperature rise well below two degrees.

Reducing the emission of short-lived climate pollutants also has additional, tangible benefits across the globe and these include improved urban air quality. For example, new diesel engine technologies generate lower particulate emissions and there are agricultural productivity benefits too.

In fact, sitting next to Bangladesh today I'm reminded that, for example, as brick kilns are converted to modern fuels, the reduction in airborne particulates is improving crop pollination in Bangladesh.

Health outcomes are improved, particularly for women and girls, as communities move from traditional wood or charcoal stoves to efficient modern stoves.

Australia's climate policies share many of the attributes of the CCAC: a focus on practical action, business engagement and ensuring mitigation is compatible with continued economic growth.

Australia's over $2.5 billion Emissions Reduction Fund supports practical results-based projects. It is delivering large emission reductions, including from short-lived atmospheric or climate pollutants.

In fact, around one-quarter of emission reductions from our Emissions Reduction Fund to date are methane.

We are taking action to reduce emissions from HFCs at home and are fast-tracking efforts to reduce these emissions by 85 per cent by 2036. We are also helping others to do so. In the Pacific for example, we have funded a project in Fiji to identify the sources and scale of its HFC emissions.

Mr Chair, today I announce that Australia will provide $200,000 to the Coalition's Trust Fund this financial year, with further funding contingent on the progress of Coalition projects. I'm pleased to announce this because I think targeted funding can deliver results across the CCAC work streams.

So Australia will continue to engage with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition as we pursue a greener economy.

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