Visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop signs a Memorandum of Understanding on Education Cooperation with Argentine Minister of Education Esteban Bullrich, witnessed by Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie and Ambassador Liliana Roche, Director of Treaties from the Argentina Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 26 June 2017
Photo credit: Tadeo Jones
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop with (from left to right) Tomas Tercero, Institutional Relations of the Memorial Park, Pamela Malewicz, Human Rights Undersecretary of the City of Buenos Aires, Angela Lita Boitano from the Association of relatives of Desaparecidos and political prisoners, Alicia Herbon, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, Mercedes Barbara, Advisor to the Undersecretary and Australian Ambassador Noel Campbell
Photo credit: Tadeo Jones
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop exchanges ideas on business with members of AusCham, the Australian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce, 26 June 2017
From left to right: Diego Temperley (President Auscham), Australian Ambassador Noel Campbell, Todd Vains (Enirgi Gp), Juan Cazes (PET Packaging Argentina), Shannon Powell (Senior Trade Commissioner LATAM, Austrade), Ulrik Ekonen (Nufarm LATAM), Carola Fratini (QBE), Christopher Gale (Latin Resources), Ignacio Celorrio (VP Auscham) and José Bordogna (Austral Gold Ltd.)
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in dialogue with representatives of key Uruguayan organizations: Federico Morixe (Australian Uruguayan Chamber of Commerce), Amb Héctor Lescano Fraschini (Ambassador for Uruguay in Argentina), Honorary Consul Alfredo Taullard, Shannon Powell (Austrade), David Casey (Petrel Energy), Gonzalo Perez (Deakin University) , 26 June 2017